3 results for tag: calmness

Overwhelm? 5 steps towards re-balance.

Are you overwhelmed? Are you interested in a FREE ten minute meditation you can listen to, to help you re-connect and gain perpective? Read on... Sometimes we all have 'off' days. Sometimes it lasts longer than that. Something just doesn't feel quite right and we reach a state of overwhelm... our mind doesn't want to stop thinking, and ironically it stops our thoughts from being clear. Energy levels drop and lethargy and procrastination win us over. But we must keep going! It's not as simple as retreating into our shell until we recover... There is work to do, maybe little people to look after, maybe older people to look after. But who looks after ...

Help baby (and yourself!) to relax with reflexology

I am often asked if I can treat little feet with baby reflexology. Parents who have been with me in pregnancy yoga are keen to carry on this nurtured feeling after the birth, for themselves as well as their little ones. Baby reflexology can be incredibly helpful in relaxing and soothing little ones. Babies who are teething, who are overtired or whose little tummies are full and uncomfortable, can benefit from therapeutic reflexology to the hands or feet. Baby can stay in parent's arms as I gently apply light reflexology techniques to their feet. A baby session is much shorter, and also allows for baby's permission. If they are clearly upset during ...

Mirror, mirror on the wall… that’s me?

What do you see when you look in the mirror? Do you actually look at yourself? Have you ever looked deeply at your own eyes; the colour, variations between the outer iris and the inner iris; the pupils, changing size slightly as you turn your head and the light changes; the patterns within the colours? What kind of feelings come up for you when you look at yourself? Positive or judgmental? It is so hard to see the good in ourselves. We  spend so much time looking at others who are ‘like this’ or ‘like that’, instead of the reality that is ‘I recognise that quality in myself.’ However small it may be, it IS there. Why is it so ...