10 results for tag: reflexology

Help baby (and yourself!) to relax with reflexology

I am often asked if I can treat little feet with baby reflexology. Parents who have been with me in pregnancy yoga are keen to carry on this nurtured feeling after the birth, for themselves as well as their little ones. Baby reflexology can be incredibly helpful in relaxing and soothing little ones. Babies who are teething, who are overtired or whose little tummies are full and uncomfortable, can benefit from therapeutic reflexology to the hands or feet. Baby can stay in parent's arms as I gently apply light reflexology techniques to their feet. A baby session is much shorter, and also allows for baby's permission. If they are clearly upset during ...

Pregnant! Now what…?

Pregnancy. A time for many changes physically, mentally and emotionally. Sometimes even spiritually, as you become awestruck about the absolute miracle of life, growing within you. Sometimes good feelings, sometimes not so good. As a mother to three children, with three very different births under my belt, I have experienced many different scenarios during pregnancy and labour. From denial to fear, from diabetes to shoulder dystocia, and from shock to euphoria and total empowerment. My story is NOT your story, and your situation is completely unique. I listen without judgement, and offer solutions (should you need them) to pregnancy issues you may ...

Aromareflex – Scent-sational reflexology!

I wanted to tell you about my latest skill addition... yes I know us therapists update our skills all the time, and with so much to choose from you are a little lost?? Well, this therapy is going to change all that! AromaReflex... a combination of all the benefits of reflexology with the power of essential oils. Packing an hour and 15 minutes of nurturing therapy full of balancing, harmonising, relaxing, rejuvenating, immune system boosting plant extracts and massage techniques, you re-surface as if from a cocoon of calm. And it's adaptable for pregnancy too! Leaving the oils on your skin for at least 8 hours maximises the absorption of the oils and ...

Baby reflexology course

Wouldn't it be great if you could help your little one to feel calm and relaxed, ease discomfort during illness, and gently persuade them to sleep, all by "playing" with their feet?

Are you a no-helpian?

I was watching our favourite family movie the other day with the children. Otis the cow, in the film 'Barnyard', leaving behind his carefree days to take responsibility and stand up for others. Well, we all have to grow up some time. Yes, these days come to us all. During one of his 'partays' he gets pizza delivered. He reaches out of the barn door, with fake human arms, to collect the pizzas, really carrying far more than he can handle, and drops one of the arms!! The horrified pizza boy offers assistance, yet Otis (trying to protect his real identity as a cow) claims he doesn't need any help. It's against his 'religion'. He declares himself a ...

Mirror, mirror on the wall… that’s me?

What do you see when you look in the mirror? Do you actually look at yourself? Have you ever looked deeply at your own eyes; the colour, variations between the outer iris and the inner iris; the pupils, changing size slightly as you turn your head and the light changes; the patterns within the colours? What kind of feelings come up for you when you look at yourself? Positive or judgmental? It is so hard to see the good in ourselves. We  spend so much time looking at others who are ‘like this’ or ‘like that’, instead of the reality that is ‘I recognise that quality in myself.’ However small it may be, it IS there. Why is it so ...


What is Reflexology? You may have heard people talking about this complementary therapy, but actually are unsure what is reflexology. I will attempt to describe it for you here. Reflexology is a special kind of massage on the feet, hands or face. Points and areas are pressed and gently held or 'finger-walked' to balance and soothe the body. This brings about a deep state of relaxation and encourages homoeostasis. I work with a gentle, but not light, pressure, which can also vary as I move around your feet. Over 7000 nerve endings are in the feet alone. Based on the principle that these nerve endings all come from (and relate to) different areas ...

Hot Stone Reflexology

As you would expect, hot stone reflexology utilises the stones to bring warmth and a touch of luxury to your reflexology treatment. Stones are pre-warmed in my special hot stones bag, and the larger ones are placed behind your knees and ankles, smaller ones placed between the toes as I carry out your truly relaxing reflexology with medium sized stones. If you're really feeling the chill, stones may be wrapped and placed behind the shoulders to help you relax. This type of reflexology is perfect as a gift to a loved one who you have no idea what to buy for, or as a gift to yourself when you have been on your feet all week and need some extreme comfort ...

Crystal reflexology

Crystal reflexology uses the actual crystals or crystal wands to perform the reflexology. I also place certain crystals on or around your body, if appropriate. These crystals are formed in the earth. They are mined in various countries and can be rough or smooth, from different levels within the ground. As such each one vibrates at it's own unique frequency. Often we are drawn to certain crystals, and we don't know why, although if we were to hold a selected crystal a while we could ascertain feelings and thoughts as to what it means for us. This may be completely different to how another person reacts to the same crystal, or to what a book might ...

Hand reflexology

Hand reflexology is decadent treatment for the hands. Book yourself or a friend this blissful hand treatment, and feel all your stresses melting away with the relaxing power of reflexology. There is something very special about treating the hands; it becomes a more intimate, supportive treatment. Hand reflexology takes care of the hands, gently easing away tensions whilst moisturising dry or cracked skin. There may be times when it's inappropriate to have a foot treatment. Maybe you don't want your feet touched? Maybe you feel too ticklish? (You may be surprised that your feet are not so ticklish with reflexology). Perhaps you have a fungal infection ...