3 results for tag: pregnant
Pregnant! Now what…?
Pregnancy. A time for many changes physically, mentally and emotionally. Sometimes even spiritually, as you become awestruck about the absolute miracle of life, growing within you. Sometimes good feelings, sometimes not so good.
As a mother to three children, with three very different births under my belt, I have experienced many different scenarios during pregnancy and labour.
From denial to fear, from diabetes to shoulder dystocia, and from shock to euphoria and total empowerment. My story is NOT your story, and your situation is completely unique.
I listen without judgement, and offer solutions (should you need them) to pregnancy issues you may ...
Aromareflex – Scent-sational reflexology!
I wanted to tell you about my latest skill addition... yes I know us therapists update our skills all the time, and with so much to choose from you are a little lost?? Well, this therapy is going to change all that!
AromaReflex... a combination of all the benefits of reflexology with the power of essential oils. Packing an hour and 15 minutes of nurturing therapy full of balancing, harmonising, relaxing, rejuvenating, immune system boosting plant extracts and massage techniques, you re-surface as if from a cocoon of calm. And it's adaptable for pregnancy too! Leaving the oils on your skin for at least 8 hours maximises the absorption of the oils and ...
Pregnant, and hot! When the ‘glow’ gets you down, do yoga!
Ugh, stifling heat... You're pregnant, so, in effect, have a mini oven in your belly... Usually you glow, and it shows, in your unique loveliness as a mama-to-be goddess. But right now you feel like a mini volcano! You can't do anything, go anywhere without feeling uncomfortable. So take a few minutes to honour it, and do nothing... go nowhere. Wherever you are!
First, run your inner wrists under the cold tap for a while. It's very refreshing! Pop your feet in a bowl of cool water. A rolled up muslin cloth, or facecloth, soaked in cold water and squeezed out, placed on the back of your neck or over the forehead will also help to cool you down... Keep ...