Yoga Workshops

In yoga workshops we may have a theme running, or it may be tailored to specific type of postures. It’s a more focused, fun and informative way to add something extra to your yoga practise, to get together with like minded people, and to take some time out for just you.

We provide water and herbal teas, plus home-made energy balls for refreshments.

Yoga workshops are usually 2.5 hours and include a deep relaxation at the end with yoga nidra.

Themes IMG_1239

Women’s gentle retreat workshop – using flowing movements and deep restful postures in between to nourish and relax.

Stress release workshop – using strengthening and grounding postures with pranayama in motion to focus and release stress.

Chakra wands for reflexology

Chakra crystal wands

Chakras and Crystals yoga workshop – focusing on each chakra with postures to re-balance the 7 major chakra (energy) wheels through the body.

Five elements workshop – working with postures representing fire, air, water, earth and ether.

Back bends workshop – using back bends safely in yoga posture practise.

Standing postures workshop – grounding practise incorporating a full yoga practise from a standing perspective.

IMG_1212dynamic vipariti karani IMG_2244Inversions workshop – fancy hanging around upside down…? Here we explore the various ways to play again.

There will be options for each stage so you can build up to and inversion you are comfortable with.

Chair yoga workshop – great for office based people and those with limited standing ability. Postures within and around the use of a chair, including chair based relaxation and yoga nidra!

Contact me to enquire further.