
What is Reflexology?

reflexology treatmentYou may have heard people talking about this complementary therapy, but actually are unsure what is reflexology. I will attempt to describe it for you here. Reflexology is a special kind of massage on the feet, hands or face.

Points and areas are pressed and gently held or ‘finger-walked’ to balance and soothe the body. This brings about a deep state of relaxation and encourages homoeostasis. I work with a gentle, but not light, pressure, which can also vary as I move around your feet.

Over 7000 nerve endings are in the feet alone. Based on the principle that these nerve endings all come from (and relate to) different areas of the body, we plan out a routine to suit the client. We also use the information you have divulged in consultation to help us plan. It’s really important to be frank about current and even past issues, so that we can tailor the session to anything you may be experiencing.

Your session can have a positive effect on the body by  restoring your energy and encouraging balance.  You may fall asleep; I do gently wake you at the end of the session if this happens. You may want to talk initially, but most people settle down enjoy the time by drifting, thinking, or just being calm and quiet and finding their equilibrium again.

Regular reflexology can induce deep calm throughout the body and mind. Tensions are eased, and circulation and lymphatic flow might be improved. For each person the application and the effects of the therapy are unique. I can tell you what is reflexology, but I cannot explain how you will feel as a result. I would love to have your feedback!

Reflexology can help reduce your experience of stress, and therefore aid stress-related conditions. Anxiety and stress can cause headaches, digestive issues, lack of sleep and nervousness to name just a few side effects. If you feel that you’re experiencing a lot of anxiety and turbulence in your life and want to make that change, then I believe reflexology can help you in your self-care plan.

In the lodge you can relax, and spend some time concentrating on just yourself. It may be the first time you have done so in years, and it may surprise you how deeply you can actually relax and let go.

It is recommended to have a weekly session for six weeks, and then we review. This way, your sessions may continue to be of the most benefit to your changing situations.

Reflexology is not a replacement for medical advice and, if you are experiencing medical issues, you should always see your GP as first point of call.

Reflexology is a fantastic complementary therapy. However, if you really want to know what is reflexology going to do for you, please book below and find out for yourself!

Reflexology at your home

Mobile treatments are valid for late maternity clients, palliative care and end of life clients, within a radius of 3 miles from Allestree. Treatments outside this area will incur a travel surcharge. Please see my terms and conditions for more information.

Follow these few steps to blissful relaxation:

  1. Pay for your chosen treatment
  2. Contact me to arrange your ideal time
  3. Fill in and return the consultation form
  4. Look forward to your treatment

Relaxing reflexology session £45.00

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